Saturday, August 8, 2009

what the hair is this world coming to?

I was watching the Tyra Show just as I regularly do weekdays at 1 o'clock. Haha.. && as always she has some off the wall, yet quite intriguing guest and show topics. Well this particular day she was talking about hair. - more so black women hair or just African American hair in general. The topic was "good hair" in promotion of Chris Rocks' new documentary on the origins of African American hair. Supposedly "good hair" is that of which is not kinky, coarse or short. - wtf? Who cares.. Its about whats on the inside! Don't misconstrue my words though, I'm all for someone with a nice grade of hair.. but some people have to work with what they have.. && most do it well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Allow me to reintroduce myself. - my name is...

For those of you who dont know I am.. Likeam J. Wise, an apiring "whatever the hell I choose to be." Haha. But seriously, Im all about my business && making this $$$. Nothing is free in life, So if you want something you gotta take it ; Point blank period!

Say What?

StarScream Clothing Company ; What is this you ask?
- A locally owned clothing company created by Ben Slade, who later joined forces with Shakon Fleming & Likeam Wise (myself). This line is for everyone no matter what gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs.. Any questions.. feel free to contact me. or visit our pages.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

quick thought.

Just as my sub title says "You've got nothing to lose ; so go for it" . . . I live by this because is so true. Its the only way you'll succeed. Whatever it may be, do it! How will you ever know what its like, if you like it or if you're good at it.. if you never try it. CONFIDENCE is what makes you, you. Who wants to be another face in the crowd -NOT ME. haha. Its just not the move. Being shy & timid gets you nothing or nowhere. Remember that!